Wait for it — do you hear that?


01 a hearing

I find it interesting how God can grab my attention and speak to me, but I only hear His voice when I am truly willing to.

Sometimes He speaks through a conversation with a friend, sometimes through a blog post read sleepily first thing in the morning, and sometimes through a new status on Facebook. However He chooses to grab my attention and place something on my heart, He then ties those attention-grabbers to His Word where He further speaks to me.

Have you ever been struggling with something — big or small — and it seems like everywhere you turn, every person you talk with, every blog you read speaks of the same struggle or situation you have in your life? And then over your morning coffee you open up your devotion, and bam, there it is again — His Word speaking to you and whatever you may be wrestling with. Or the pastor on Sunday has you open your bible to the scripture he will be speaking on and you find yourself staring at the very Words you listened to on the Christian radio station that morning.

Yes, God hears us. He hears our prayers, whether fervently prayed aloud while on our knees or quietly whispered in the car. He hears.

He also sees us wrestling with things in this life, struggling to gain a foothold some days.

And He speaks:

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.”

~Romans 12:2


There is a struggle in my life, something that I’m wrestling with, and some days I’m not even sure what it is about. I believe it comes from feeling the need to do more and yet feeling unsure what that is or what it should look like.

Yet even in the midst of trying to sort out my thoughts and make sense of what I am wrestling with, I know without a doubt that God knows my struggle — He hears and sees me — and He speaks to me.

But do I really hear Him — or rather, am I willing to hear Him?

There are days I wish He wouldn’t speak to me! Yep, that’s right. Because when He speaks to me I feel this nudge in a direction I keep trying to turn away from.

And right there perhaps is my struggle.

I keep telling myself how it would be too much work, too time consuming, not profitable enough — excuse after excuse after excuse to make a U-turn and try to outrun the desire. A passion I’ve had and followed for so many years. But just when I think I’ve succeeded in leaving it behind in the dust of my excuses as to why I can’t or shouldn’t do it, He speaks to me.

If only I could put my hands over my ears and sing loudly enough to drown it out, but the truth is, trying to drown out His voice, no matter how it speaks in my life can be virtually impossible, especially when I choose to be grateful.

What I mean is this:  I believe when we choose to truly show gratitude for all that God has done, is doing and will continue to do in our lives we are more open to hearing Him. How can you not hear something that you are so in-tune to? How can you not keep your focus tuned-in to Him when you truly choose to open your eyes to all that He has done and continues to do in your life?

Gratitude keeps us focused on Him and takes our eyes off of us and those struggles. It keeps our feet firmly planted in thankfulness and helps us loosen our grip with what we are wrestling with.

I believe in the midst of giving thanks we are given the freedom to just be right here in this very moment not worrying about tomorrow or the future.

I’m so grateful for all He has done in my life and right here today, in this very moment I give thanks for:

*cooler mornings indicating a change of season coming

*building strong relationships with my sons as they get older

*a hardworking husband who comes home tired but stays up later than he should to spend time with me

*the opportunity to serve a young pregnant couple

*friends who encourage and support

*fresh sheets and warm blankets straight from the dryer

*worshiping outside on Sunday mornings in all God’s beauty

*the healing God has brought to my life in the past several years

*the beauty outside my back window

*the blessing of my husband whom God brought into my life three years ago


Do you hear it yet? Can you hear Him speaking to you right here, right this very moment in your life? Are you willing to listen and truly hear Him?

May you, dear reader, find something to be grateful for today — and every day. And may you be open to hearing His voice speaking loud and clear to you right where you are today.




5 thoughts on “Wait for it — do you hear that?

  1. Amy,

    Nice to meet you. I’m hoping over from Ann’s link up. Counting gifts with you and thinking about you just now as you wrestle with whatever you feel God is placing on your hearty as an unrest, a wondering, a nudging. May you continue to hear his heart and to follow him boldly. He has plans for you, friend!

    Have a great week. I’m seeking to hear his voice each day too.

    Jennifer Dougan


    1. Hi Jennifer,
      Thanks for stopping by! Nice to “meet” you too!
      I find that when I can just step back, pray and remember to live in the moment, His voice becomes so much clearer to me.


      1. Hi Amy,

        Thanks for stopping by my post “Restoring Romance in a Rushed and Running World.” Good job for you and your man thinking about a date around the same time too. What did you end up doing that day?

        May you two — like us–keep learning to speak romance in little gestures and words each day.

        Nice to meet you.
        Jennifer Dougan


  2. Hello, Amy. It’s so true…I’ve actually been wrestling with a decision to stay at my current job(which I love) or take a different job that was offered to me (that I know nothing about and am not sure if I’ll like it or not). Tough one, as I’ve not felt a pull to take a new job, but struggle with the question of why the other job was put before me…is this God nudging me? Still am in prayer about it. May God give you direction and strength to do what He is calling you to. Sometimes that’s a little scary! But gratitude does help us focus on His provision and guidance in our lives.
    Blessings, Ann @ Christ in the Clouds.


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