What holds more power in your life…

Faith or fear?

While listening to KLove the other day, a Christian radio station, the host shared this:

When fear comes knocking, let faith answer!

This was rather profound to me since so much of my life has been allowing fear to rule over faith, instead of the other way around. There were days where the fear of moving forward paralyzed me, causing such anxiety that I couldn’t move in any direction. I was so fearful of making the wrong decision and what others would think, that I didn’t make any decisions but stayed stuck where I was.

Lately though, I have more peace in my life. Perhaps that’s simply because enough years have passed that my past is no longer a deep wound still festering and maybe some of it has to do with the restoring of me and my oldest son’s relationship after many difficult years. Or could it be that my faith has grown stronger than all my fears? That I believe God is more powerful than anything that creates fear within me, and I know without a doubt He will never leave me alone to fight those fears but when I call out to Him, He gives me peace and comfort in His Love and Grace towards me.

It’s been almost fifteen years since my ex walked out and so much has transpired in my life since then, but these days life truly is good and full of many blessings. I allowed fear to play a huge role in my life for far too many years, but these days, fear is no longer bigger than my faith — and when it comes knocking, I let Jesus answer the door.

Until next time…

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