Morning coffee and random thoughts

My view on this Saturday morning as I sip my coffee and give thanks for this amazing life I’ve been blessed with!

I’m still so amazed at where life has taken me.

Thirty-five years ago next month, I married my first husband not knowing what kind of life I was really walking down that church aisle to. The next two decades left me a shell of a person, but thankfully, the Lord took him out of my life fifteen years ago, freeing me from abuse and bringing me into a life filled with so much to be thankful for — an amazing husband, a beautiful home, two sons and two beautiful daughters-in-law, and continued healing after being sick the past few years.

May we all remember to open our eyes to the beauty the Lord has placed all around us, and keep our thoughts on Him, giving thanks for all He provides for us.

Until next time…

Dreams of yesterday…hope for tomorrow

Many years ago, I dreamed of being a midwife. And some nights are still filled with dreams of catching babies.

Twenty years ago, I attended midwifery school with the dream of being a homebirth midwife. Childbirth had been my life and passion for over a decade at that time. In the summer of 1992, eight months after the birth of my first-born son, I excitedly sat through a 3-day childbirth educator training soaking in all the information in anticipation of becoming a childbirth educator. A year later I was a certified Bradley MethodR Childbirth Educator teaching my first class in Central Oregon and observing my first homebirth of one of my students. That evening, thirty-one years ago, as I drove home from the most amazing birth — my future felt certain. There was no doubt in my mind, I was called to help women in childbirth.

For the next twenty years, I would continue to teach childbirth classes and attend births as a doula. It filled me, it was me. Standing in front of a group of women and their partners, teaching about the wonder of birth was so exhilarating. I loved getting to share my knowledge and expertise to help those couples go into their births feeling capable and prepared. And I was good at what I did.

Then my life turned upside down…

So many things factored into giving up teaching childbirth and attending births as a doula, and my dream of ever becoming a midwife. To this day, I cry a little inside when I think of it. I simply feel like a nobody — when I used to be somebody. When I had this burning passion and desire inside of me. And then life changed, and I had to lay it all down. I let go of the dream and tried to squelch the passion inside of me.

And that was okay, at least I tried to tell myself. But admittedly, it’s hard to watch as a dear friend of mine has grown her doula business, become a childbirth educator and is now teaching doula classes at our local community college. She kept pushing forward and she has made a name of herself in our little town. And she deserves all of it, she’s worked hard to get where she is. But still, it’s hard to watch.

I once had a dream and passion, and loved what I did with such intensity. And I smile through the tears at the memories of watching women and their families impacted through my classes and my labor support.

But these days, it often feels like I have nothing to get up for. No burning passion or desire, no satisfying work. Just being here. And while I’m grateful, truly I am, for this life I have — my husband, my home, my family — some days I feel like a nobody. And several years ago, when I off handedly said this to my youngest son while we walked the aisles of Barnes and Nobles, he turned to me and said, “You are still somebody, Mom!”

And then just today, God reaches out and touches a little part of me, igniting another fire. Where it will go, I’m not sure, but in the past few days I’ve had encounters with people, a few friends and a couple strangers, in which I’ve had the opportunity to share about my health journey these past few years. My passion these days, is that of whole nutrition and healing, and I have a lot to share. Where it will go is perhaps up to me, but God has definitely opened doors, even just a crack.

I once had a dream. I once was filled with passion and desire. And perhaps I can dream another dream and find that kind of passion again in my life. It’s said that what we have struggled with the most often becomes what we use to help others. And I know that to be true. The stories of our journeys through life help others travelling the same road. So, who knows what may be next for me, what fire the Lord will and I think already has, lit underneath me.

For now, I will continue to thank the Lord for all the blessings He has given me and know that yes, I am somebody — I am His.

Until next time…

Early morning thoughts…

I’m an early riser. I love sitting in the silence of the early morning with my steaming mug of coffee, listening to the sounds of the world waking up and letting all those groggy thoughts start to take shape in my mind.

The view out my front window fills my heart with gratitude for this place we’ve called home now for close to six years. While sipping my coffee, I get to watch the world wake up outside. The birds on the pond, the new baby geese in the front yard, and all the beauty filling my senses.

I’ve learned over the years to fill each day, each early morning, with thoughts and prayers of gratefulness. Finding the joy and beauty in each day.

Years back, I followed a woman who encouraged her followers to count gifts or blessings every day. And on Mondays, she had a gratitude post in which fellow bloggers could share their gratitude too. I did that for a long time, and it was a wonderful way of starting my week focused on the good in my life which led to finding joy in each day, instead of only seeing the hard, the bad, the ugly. I discovered there is always, always something to be grateful for when we keep showing our gratitude for even the tiniest gifts God has given to us.

Outside my window, the world is waking up — the sun is rising, birds are singing, and all is truly good in my little corner of the world.

Here’s to a new week! May we all see the blessings God has poured out in our lives, no matter how big or small.

Until next time!

What holds more power in your life…

Faith or fear?

While listening to KLove the other day, a Christian radio station, the host shared this:

When fear comes knocking, let faith answer!

This was rather profound to me since so much of my life has been allowing fear to rule over faith, instead of the other way around. There were days where the fear of moving forward paralyzed me, causing such anxiety that I couldn’t move in any direction. I was so fearful of making the wrong decision and what others would think, that I didn’t make any decisions but stayed stuck where I was.

Lately though, I have more peace in my life. Perhaps that’s simply because enough years have passed that my past is no longer a deep wound still festering and maybe some of it has to do with the restoring of me and my oldest son’s relationship after many difficult years. Or could it be that my faith has grown stronger than all my fears? That I believe God is more powerful than anything that creates fear within me, and I know without a doubt He will never leave me alone to fight those fears but when I call out to Him, He gives me peace and comfort in His Love and Grace towards me.

It’s been almost fifteen years since my ex walked out and so much has transpired in my life since then, but these days life truly is good and full of many blessings. I allowed fear to play a huge role in my life for far too many years, but these days, fear is no longer bigger than my faith — and when it comes knocking, I let Jesus answer the door.

Until next time…

All things new…

Isn’t it interesting how life works?

I’ve been absent here for exactly nine months and my writing over the past few years has been rather inconsistent to say the least! I started this blog ten years ago in 2013, as a place to type out my life-inspired thoughts — the good, bad and the ugly. Thoughts mostly about abuse in marriage which I had lived with for twenty years prior, and the impacts on not only me, but my children. Words have a healing power and I found solace in writing. And while this blog was intended as a place for me to simply get my thoughts and feelings out, my words ended up touching the hearts of others offering hope and encouragement to those walking a similar path.

So, again — isn’t it interesting how life works.

A week ago, my youngest son got married and I had the privilege of putting together their wedding. I worked hard making decorations, planning the schedule, and preparing food, basically acting as their wedding planner, and as such offered suggestions for a variety of things and helped to provide an outline of what they would need to buy and plan for. After three intense months of planning, it was thrilling to see my vision unfold on that beautiful Saturday evening as they said I do’s and partied well past the sun setting.

The guests all commented on how wonderful the whole event was — the ceremony, the food and the decor. And among the guests — sat my ex.

God always has a way of working things out for good, in ways we don’t usually expect, and this was one of those times. My oldest son whom I’ve had a tumultuous relationship with for many years, came over three nights before the wedding to make amends and for the first time in many years, there was a peace between us. He talked about forgiveness, and I told him that while I couldn’t change the past, I wanted to move forward and build a new relationship together. He then shared his concerns about how things would go at the wedding since his dad was going to be there, but we agreed that it wasn’t about his dad, the day was about his brother and his bride. And we would have each other, I told him. My son turned to me before he left that night and said that after everything, I was still here. As we hugged, I said I never left and would always be there for him.

The day of the wedding, my heart was at peace, with absolutely no anxiety about seeing my ex after all these years. And my oldest son and I shared many hugs, laughs and whispered thoughts throughout the day, and started a new relationship.

When we open our hearts to God, He can take any circumstance, any heart, any life, and in His timing, in His way, which are never ours, He can and will restore relationships and make all things new again.

Until next time…